Friday 24 June 2011

D-day plus 4

23/6 20111

D-day plus 4

Location; Malmoe, Sweden

280 kilometers on today’s log.

In Sweden! 

I made it within the timeframe.  Everything has gone very well so far. Now only 600 km left to the final destination, Stockholm. I will however not cover this distance until Sunday as the major weekend of midsummer (solstice) is approaching. This means that the roads will be crowded bumper to bumper. 

The trip today was from Kolding onwards to Odense-Copenhagen and into Malmoe. I had hoped to be able to see some of Odense, the hometown of H.C Andersen, you know the one with all the nice fairy tales. The town is also known for its nougat and marzipan. But, all these towns are cordoned off and no vehicles allowed in the centers. I sneaked in though and at least managed to get some street images.

The interesting part of today’s journey was crossing the bridges in Denmark and from Denmark to Sweden.

There are now two bridges connecting the Danish islands and thus replacing the ferryboats, the longest one is about 2,7  km long and spans 65 meters above  the sea level. 

The connection between Copenhagen and Malmoe, Sweden is partly tunnel and partly bridge, the bridge is about 8 km long spanning 57 meters above the sea level. The tunnel is about 3 km long.


If you have… thanks for your support for a good cause! I am doing what I can to keep my end of the deal.


Sponsor Goran to support his trip or even send him an email to cheer him on.